
Mount Lukens from Haines Canyon

Distance: 8 1/2 miles round trip via the trail - unknown via the road.
Elevation gain: 2800 ft.

Trailhead Directions: Take the Lowell exit from the 210 freeway and go north to Foothill. Turn west to Haines Canyon Ave and go north, jogging ˝ block east on Day Street and continue north on Haines Canyon Ave. Park on the east side of the street just before you reach the “No Parking Anytime” signs on both sides of the street.
Please note: there are no toilet facilities at the trailhead or anywhere along the trail.

The Hike: Walk up the rest of Haines Canyon Ave, through a gate, which might be open or locked, passing the debris dam, and through another locked gate. About 1 1/4 mile from the dam there is a minor creek crossing and then a few yards beyond, a junction. The main trail continues on the left and a service road to the right. Hikers have an option at this point: take either the main trail or the road to the top of Lukens.

The main trail is classified as secondary and eventually reaches the Stone Canyon Trail that starts from the Wildwood Picnic area. Turn right and take the Stone Canyon trail to the top of Mount Lukens. The trail is very steep in places but in good shape. On the way there are three signs to guide you and there are three more minor creek crossings.

Note: Watch out for ticks!

Refreshments at the trailhead.

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