
Simi Peak from Lindero Canyon Road - Shuttle

Distance: 6-7 miles RT
Elevation gain: 1200 ft.

Directions to Trailhead: From Hwy. 101 in Agoura take Kanan Road 5 miles north to Lindero Road. Turn right and go 1 mile to the trailhead on your left. Park on a side street. There is no parking in Lindero Canyon Road bike lanes. While there is no potty at the trail head, there is a park with a potty 3 miles out Kanan Road. It is on your right at signaled Holly Tree St.

THE HIKE: (One Way) We take a trail that goes up to the ridge, around the backside, and up to Simi Peak. We then go through China Flats, out through the north side to the Albertson Motorway. We turn left (west) and take Albertson Motorway to Lang Ranch Road Trailhead. There is a small park there with a potty. After the party, The Valley Group, who have spotted cars there, will drive everyone back to the starting trailhead (6 mile shuttle).

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